The Lion’s Grasp


Anne Hjelle and Debbie Nicholls were avid mountain bikers, so, on a beautiful afternoon in January 2004, they decided to go for a ride in California’s Santa Ana Mountains. They had ridden this trail many times, and they were looking forward to being together, enjoying each other’s company, and pushing their bodies to the limit.…

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Shot My Hat With A Shotgun

  One afternoon I went rabbit hunting with my friend Bill, my sister Connie, her date, and my fiancé Carol. I was wearing a hillbilly hat that I wore everywhere. Because we were hunting in a place where no rabbit wanted to live, Connie’s date found another way to have fun. He stole my hat,…

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Bob & David Are Friends

  This is a story of lasting friendship.  It began with two teenage boys, Bob and Dave, growing up in the late 1930s and early 40s. Bob was born with a cleft palette, which although repaired to the extent possible at the time, still had some obvious impacts on his appearance and speech.  Not everyone…

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La Nona’s Sweater

  In December of 1967 I was living in the small city of Bergamo in Northern Italy. Towards the end of the month I had a sore throat along with a fever and general malaise. I was miserable but because I was young I didn’t pay attention to my health and went on with my…

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