Miss Mills’ Closet
Miss Mills was my fourth grade teacher. She was young, attractive, athletic, and a disciplinarian. She became my favorite teacher because she made class fun. One spring afternoon is poignant in my memory. We had just come back from recess and I was sitting in the front row close to the storage closet where…
Read MorePractical Joke
The other night I was riding in a van with my family. My oldest son, Paul, was driving and I was sitting towards the back. Hyrum, my eight-year-old grandson, was sitting behind me and asked to see my watch, so I put my left arm over the seat and he started playing with it. After a few…
Read MoreChased by an Angry Momma Bear
When I was 11 years old I went to Yellowstone National Park with my father, and other fathers and sons from our church. My most memorable experience was when the bus driver stopped at the side of the road so we could take a picture of a mother bear and her cub resting a…
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