Is homework causing so much stress and disruption you feel like you CAN'T WAIT another minute and NEED to start turning things around RIGHT NOW?
Learn about our new course for parents, Conquering Homework in Middle School!
Let The Water Run Where It Runs!
Several years ago, I was sitting with my father in his living room. It was in the afternoon, and we were just enjoying the moment of being together. We didn’t have an agenda nor were we in a hurry to finish the visit. He was in his early 90s. As part of our conversation, he…
The Junk Drawer’s Surprise
Today was a cold, wintery Saturday morning with a fresh blanket of newly fallen snow on the ground. Anne and I were sitting on a couch talking when she decided to clean a junk drawer that was in the living room. I made a silly or snarky comment about not messing up the drawer that…
Don’t Be A “T_ _ _”!
I couldn’t believe it when some stranger called me a name, which I will not use but I will simply substitute it with the letter ‘T’. You can decipher the word by filling in the blank “tu_d”. Why would someone call me that name when everyone who knows me is aware that I am a…
We are really excited to be gathering information about what are your biggest parenting struggles. Can you take 5 minutes and answer a few questions? Click here to fill out the survey!
Apply today to be one of six parents/couples chosen to enroll in an intimate, 7- part series beta class for parents with school aged children, using the principles taught in our new book, The Resiliency Toolkit.
As Seen On

Parents, has this year been tough for your family? You are not alone, not by a long shot.
Here at Resilient Child, we’ve found 3 ways to help you reboot your relationship with your child. They revolve around the common mistakes parents make. Do you know which mistake you’re making? Click here to take the 2-minute quiz, #1 Mistake Keeping You from Having a Stronger Family. You will receive a customized plan with exactly where to start your relationship reboot today.

You can now order our new book, The Resiliency Toolkit: A Busy Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy, Confident, Successful Children!

What do you think Cal did after a high school counselor suggested that he pursue a lucrative career in becoming a dishwasher or typesetter? Catch a sneak peek of the warm storytelling style and parenting tips that you can enjoy in the upcoming new book, "The Resiliency Toolkit - A Busy Parent's Guide to Raising Happy, Confident and Successful Children." Plus, join our community and be informed when you can download a free copy of the book during launch week! >> READ MORE!!
Resiliency Skills
Learn more about 12 tools that you can use in building resiliency for children and families.