What Matters Most?


I was sitting in the kitchen with my dad. We’d had a tough family meeting a few days before. Dad had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We were all trying to adjust.

“You know,” he said, “I still have lots of things I’d really like to do, places I’d like to go, people I’d like to meet. But I’ve already done everything that’s most important to me in life.”

Those simple words have come back to me so many times since then. They speak to me both of the value of living a rich, full life with lots of dreams and plans, and of making sure that in life’s hectic busy bustle what matters most gets my time, money, and energy.

I watched Dad put his life in order, treasure his family, and quietly give what service he still could. When he volunteered to participate in an Alzheimer’s research study, he told me it was too late for him, but sharing his experience with this terrible disease might lead to discoveries that could help others in the future. 

Makes me pause to wonder, how am I doing?

How about you and your family?

Here’s to more resilient wins together,


PS Want to help your kids have less stress and more success at home and school? CLICK HERE to get a copy of our book, The Resiliency Toolkit: A Busy Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy, Confident, Successful Children.

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